Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How Do You Make It Interesting?

Sometimes, my mind goes into a zombie-like half-dead mode working on repetitive tasks. And there are many times when we have to tackle tasks that we may not necessarily enjoy doing because they are a necessary part of life and work. If it is for a short time, it is not too difficult to quickly complete these and move on to more appealing tasks. It is when a great deal amount of time is needed when one can get catatonic with boredom.

How do we make it interesting?

Write. I keep a Word document open so I can quickly type some ideas and post them on my blog later. Amazing how a little break can clear the mind and allow it to continue!

Surround yourself with things that delight you. Right now on my desk, I have a bamboo plant, candles, and a picture of my reward (at least in my mind) – security for my family.

Hug a pet. Take a break and get your dog or cat (or whatever your pet might be) on your lap and give it some tender, loving attention. It is truly relaxing and comforting.

Read a good book in between. Take a few short breaks during the day and take in a few pages of an inspiring book. I am currently re-reading Women Who Run With the Wolves; a few pages here and there really breaks down the monotony.

These are just a few simple things you might want to try to break the monotony, allow you to complete the unremarkable tasks, and feel good about getting things done.

Once that’s done, it’s time to move on to things that inspire and nurture you. And having the grunt work done, will allow you to focus and truly enjoy the work that you love.

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