Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sometimes, It's Hard to be Kind

Sometimes, we start our day with the best intentions: to spread love and joy around. And heck! some people make it so difficult, if not outright impossible to do so. Jealousy or envy, backbiting, relentless competition! It can wear out one's patience! Yes, there are some folks who would intentionally go out of their way to make others unhappy, for whatever reason.

We can't change others. They will change when they are good and ready and only if they want to. Situations at work, school, or home may be charged. But there are some things we can do to help us keep our cool and still maintain the mahal spirit.

Whatever we are working on, be it urgent, exciting, or plan old routine, make it a point to walk away from it every now and then. Take a walk, sit under a tree and watch the squirrels or people go by, meditate for 5-10 minutes. These short breaks relieves the tension and restores your mahal spirit.

When someone is determined to be competitive - with knowledge, material possessions, positions, de-charge the negative energy by refusing to participate and entertain it. It may take walking away. It may take just processing the communication in a non-judgmental way. It may take silently reminding yourself just how joyful you are with your life - your work, family, and friends.

Start your day with positive expectations. Smile and always acknowledge the mahal spirit in others. People do tend to act the way we expect them to act. Not always, but it helps you retain your hope for an awesome day!
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